Achieve the results you want

Why would you want to innervate your business?

Businesses are born from a dream, an idea or from someone seeing an easier way to solve a problem, or because someone was forced to find another way. It is these pioneers, these misfits, these innovators who are the change makers, who make a difference, creating businesses that truly have an impact.


What stops business from being successful?

There is a host of reasons why we think businesses fail. But the truth is, it is ultimately about the people that run them and how they connect with themselves and others.


Who is this for?

Businesses needing a reboot, a boost, a game plan, a fresh approach.

1. Business Coaching

So why would you need business coaching?

  • Maintaining clarity, insight and direction in order to lead as a business owner is key.
  • To express your businesses purpose, vision and strategic priorities; to get buy in and team alignment.
  • To effectively find solutions for the challenges within the business.
  • To ensure your unconscious limiting money or business beliefs are not holding your business back.
  • A bounce partner to challenge your perspective and keep you in alignment and on track with your business goals.


Business coaching is based on sessions around specific needs within a business. Call us and let's sit down and understand your needs, and we will devise a custom solution for you.


For more information contact Michelle, and set up a meeting to discuss this solution further.

2. 7-Step Business Builder

Designed to ensure your business has a clear and unique direction, an authentic expression and that all stakeholders are clear, accountable and co-creating to make this happen.


Who is this for?


Got a great idea you want to turn into a reality? Have a key project for which you want to get buy in from all stakeholders? Want to give your business a refresh and get all of the team aligned around a common purpose?


This program is facilitated in two ways:

  • 2-day intensive
  • 7-week process


For more details on this program, download the PDF.


For more information contact Michelle, and set up a meeting to discuss this solution further.

3. Business Constellations

These are complex personal, organisational and social patterns, relationships and dynamics embedded within the organisation.


A 'business constellation' is a breakthrough method of identifying 'system dynamics' with unprecedented speed and accuracy. The invisible forces inside an organisation are made visible. Importantly, the unveiling of the dynamics enables participants to interact with or alter the dynamics if they choose.


A business constellation is a diagnostic tool that identifies issues and maps a path forward. Once you commence a business constellation, the patterns and behaviours that require attention reveal themselves.


A business constellation accesses the inherent knowledge and wisdom within the system, provides space for reflection, offers a new perspective and gives certainty to actions.


For more information contact Michelle, and set up a meeting to discuss this solution further.